the most important commandment

With the explosive growth of the short-term rental industry expected to continue year-over-year to meet Airbnb’s ever-growing audience of individuals and families using the service globally, a continual call for new hosts remains. Airbnb has expertly created an ever-revolving customer base of new hosts, who with the additional income provided are now able to afford the use of the service themselves - ultimately enriching the lives of their guests and their hosts equally.

The best part? They’ve made becoming an Airbnb host obtainable for real people - people who have had to work to survive since long before they could drive. Single parents who have poured their souls into their career in hopes of one day bringing home a paycheck that allows them to not feel the sting of their children’s disappointment when there isn’t enough leftover for an expense as small as snowcones - the people for whom it’s been an uphill battle their whole lives.

“Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ - Matthew 22:36-39

It is with the deeply personal implementation of the above four verses into your soul - and subsequently into all things - that success and everything that is truly good can be found.

When it comes to your success in the short-term rental investment industry, the most important commandment is that you provide clean and safe accommodation. This is the foundation that you must build your short-term rental business model; in which you protect the consumer above all else, creating proven and genuine trust. A second is equally important, as in all things commerce: design.

Entire Home Interior is diligently led by the above commandments in everything we offer, from our insistence on waterproof mattress and pillow covers that help to ensure clean and safe accommodation to our obsession with expertly designed spaces.

Pro-tip, thanks to the Airbnb 2022 Summer Release, you can now search “national forest”, drive three hours, and spend two days working on your laptop from a hillside patio that engulfs you in a deliberately designed sensory oasis - welcoming every opportunity to be distracted by the stillness, or by the chipmunks and birds for like, $200 and the cost of gas.


interior design services, making your real estate investment absolutely effortless.

Jennifer Vaughan

Jennifer Vaughan is Founder/CEO of Entire Home Interior where she utilizes her 3+ years as an Airbnb Superhost and 12+ years of experience dedicated to digital marketing and communications. EHI was created in an effort to make the process of getting an Airbnb up and running infinitely more convenient for future hosts and new property owners.

endless possibilities with real estate in rural communities


the global and U.S. short-term/vacation rental markets